Dylan Raiola (Photo: Blair Angulo, 247Sports)

Glenn Thomas’s phone buzzed when he was traveling through Houston. Plans for the day were about to be altered. His tenure as a coach was also.

Mike Smith, the head coach of the Atlanta Falcons at the time, called about sixteen years ago. Thomas had met Smith while he was a coach there and they had spent time together at the Baltimore Ravens. Although Thomas was a Division II graduate assistant at the time, he developed a relationship with the Ravens during his internship that was now leading to one of those life-memorable experiences.

“He was like, ‘Hey, do you want to come up to Atlanta?'” Thomas thought back. “I turned the car around and was headed to Atlanta type deal, you know what I mean?”

Prior to being promoted to quarterbacks coach for the Falcons from 2012 to 2014, he had worked as an offensive assistant with the Atlanta Falcons from 2005 to 2007 after serving as the team’s offensive coordinator from 2001 to 2004 at Midwestern State (Wichita Falls, Texas).

When that unforgettable call occurred, he was a rookie coach and ready to go through something that some of his young Husker quarterbacks are going through too.The game will show you that there is more to learn than you may have even realized, even if you think you’ve found some of the necessary resources to succeed.